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Action Update

Appetite for Action is a campaign to help children make the connection between the environment, the food they eat and the food they throw away.


Action update

June 10th, 2011
Today’s happenings!!
The School Fair - we took the plants from our geenhouse and sold them at the sale. Wow it went well - we've lots left to sell at our sports' day next week!! The town mayor (an old pupil) was there to present us with a certificate for NI Best Kept School awards - we were 'highly commended' -  great news for all!!

June 10th, 2011
Growing our own food

June 8th, 2011
The results of our 2nd survey show that we have achieved a drop in the number of re-cyclable items in our lunchboxes.  We have also achieved a higher number of items which could have been grown locally.  However, due to circumstances beyond our control we have no say in how much food our school sources locally for school dinners.

June 8th, 2011
2nd Measurement

Total number of non-recyclables in lunchboxes:-


Items which could have been grown locally:-


 Percentage of food our school sources locally:-


June 8th, 2011
Re-cyling bins
Our re-cyling bins are up and running in the lunch room.  We have one for food, one for fruit and one for kitchen towels.  The children have been using them very well and we have noticed a difference in the amount of kitchen towels being used instead of tinfoil and clingfilm.

May 26th, 2011
The reply! from the council
Amazing!! The letter has just arrived!! Proof!!! Antrim Borough Council are investigating the possibility of giving the school some brown bins in the next few weeks.  We can then be able to recycle all the food waste in the school.  Wow! -  this is quite a turn around from what they were telling us a few months ago!!! Our letters were very persuasive...

May 20th, 2011
Writing a letter to Antrim Borough Council
Two classes have written their letters to go to the council.  We are asking them to think about a brown bin collection for our school.

May 19th, 2011
Lunch box survey results assembly
The children came up with the idea, that if you buy a big packet of crisps and put them into smaller containers for school - it's cheaper and more eco friendly!!

May 13th, 2011
Prizes put to good use!
Help has come from Eric - a grandparent - we have planted our tomato plants and used the prizes we won earlier in the year!!  We are feeling great - it was good fun..

May 13th, 2011
Mrs Farrel, our classroom assistant has put all our info up on the noticeboard outside P4/5 classroom today.  She has worked hard.


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The Appetite for Action programme has been developed in partnership between the leading environmental behaviour change charity Global Action Plan and Sky. Global Action Plan has run the Action in School programme successfully with over 300 schools, helping them to make small changes that make a big difference. The Appetite for Action programme with Sky will allow many more schools to benefit from the process.